Facing A Liberty Mutual Disability Claim Denial?
Dealing With A Denial From Liberty Mutual For Your Disability Claim? You Are NOT Alone. A Liberty Mutual Disability Claim Denial Can Be Heartbreaking And Challenging, But You Can Trust J. Price McNamara ERISA Insurance Claim Attorney To Fight For You.Long-term disability insurance providers, such as Liberty Mutual, are known for using every tool available to them to minimize their payouts to victims and maximize their profits. If you have filed a disability claim with Liberty Mutual, you have likely already discovered this tactic for yourself.
If you have received a Liberty Mutual disability claim denial and are worried about how you will cover medical bills and continue to pay for everyday expenses while being out of work, an experienced Liberty Mutual disability claim denial attorney can help. A Liberty Mutual claim denial is not the end of the road! You have options — Attorney J. Price McNamara is here to help you fight for the benefits you deserve.Table of Contents
Liberty Mutual Disability Insurance
Liberty Mutual is an insurance company that has been in business for over 100 years. They are generally more well-known for their home and auto insurance products, but they also provide business solutions, such as their individual disability insurance policy packages and group disability insurance, which includes both short and long-term disability insurance. These include both short-term disability benefits and long-term disability benefits. Under the umbrella of Liberty Mutual, Liberty Life Assurance offers comprehensive disability coverage, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding one's income and pre-disability occupational duties. As of today, their global presence is evident in 29 countries with a strong workforce of over 45,000 employees. Today, they operate in 29 countries and employ over 45,000 people.
Despite being a very popular insurance company, Liberty Mutual has an unfortunate history of denying disability claims without proper reason. This practice, regrettably, is extremely common throughout the entire long-term disability insurance industry.How Liberty Mutual Works To Deny Disability Claims
Liberty Mutual works hard to deny every claim they possibly can.
This company is not unique. All insurance companies deny claims — it's how they make their money. They will commonly demand absurd amounts of paperwork and other documentation to make the process so frustrating that the claimant will simply give up. Liberty Mutual has teams of people they employ for the sole purpose of reviewing claims and picking them apart piece by piece in order to find any reason, no matter how small, that can be used as a reason for denial. Even something as simple as a typo or your healthcare provider missing a single page of a document they submit can cause Liberty Mutual to deny your claim immediately.Common Tactics Used By Liberty Mutual
Like many other companies throughout the industry, Liberty Mutual has been known to employ some potentially shady tactics with their claim denials. They have countless medical professionals at their disposal that they can count on to provide a “professional medical opinion” as to why a claim should be denied, even if this person has never seen or even spoken with the claimant.
Another strategy Liberty Mutual deploys, especially concerning individual disability insurance policies, is the initial issuance of a disability insurance denial without any clear justification. The subsequent process to understand or contest such denials is often riddled with obstacles. The objective is clear: to wear down claimants to a point where they abandon their rightful claims. Another tactic Liberty Mutual has been known to use in the past is to issue a disability insurance denial first, then they make it incredibly difficult for the claimant to get an answer as to the reason for the denial. Again, this is done in an attempt to frustrate the insured individual to the point that they just give up instead of fully pursuing the benefits they rightly deserve. Some claimants have chosen to sue Liberty Mutual over their denied benefits. When facing such challenges, it's crucial for individuals to be aware of their rights, especially in cases involving long-term disability benefits and social security disability benefits. The dynamics can be complex, but persistence can sometimes make all the difference.Lawsuits Liberty Mutual Has Faced Regarding Disability Claim Denials
Liberty Mutual is no stranger to lawsuits when it comes to disability claim denials. Here are some of the reasons people have filed lawsuits against Liberty Mutual:- Misrepresentation of policy terms
- Denying a claim without a full and fair review (as required under ERISA)
- Denying a claim for long-term disability based on an incorrect interpretation of a doctor’s orders
- Initially approving benefits and then later terminating them without a justifiable cause
- Terminating a claim due to a change in policy details after they were disabled
What To Do If You Receive A Liberty Mutual Disability Claim Denial
If you receive a Liberty Mutual disability benefits claim denial, your first instinct might likely be to lose hope that you will ever get the benefits you rightly deserve. Do not do this! A claim denial is NOT the end of the road. Under ERISA, you have the right to file an appeal, and a disability insurance denial lawyer will be able to help with this.
The very first thing you should do after a Liberty Mutual disability claim denial is to request your insurance company file immediately. This can sometimes be extremely challenging, so starting this right away is crucial. It's also important to keep getting medical treatment! Do not stop working towards getting better just because your claim was denied. Your health is the most important thing, and the documentation from your medical treatments will be incredibly helpful when it comes time to submit your appeal.Documentation Is EVERYTHING

If your claim has been denied, you need to start collecting every single piece of documentation you think might be helpful. As your attorney, we will help you sort through all of this, but the more you can provide off the bat, the quicker we will be able to help you appeal your claim (or even file a lawsuit should that become necessary).
Some of the documents that we recommend you start gathering include:- Your insurance company file
- Information about the accident or illness that caused your disability
- Medical records from every single provider you have worked with
- Any and all correspondence you have had with Liberty Mutual
How Can An ERISA Lawyer Help With My Liberty Mutual Disability Claim Denial?
Liberty Mutual's appeal process is challenging — to say the least. Fighting your way through this process is not something you should have to undergo alone. An ERISA lawyer can help. Our lawyers understand disability law and the complex array of problems that you may encounter when you receive a denial letter.
Liberty Mutual will undoubtedly attempt to make the claims submission and appeals process as complex as possible to avoid paying out benefits. They are assuming that an individual will overlook one of the countless steps included in these processes. Even when a person does take the right steps and submits the included administrative and medical forms, Liberty Mutual will usually still find a way to deny them the benefits they deserve. Fighting back against Liberty Mutual can be difficult without the proper legal knowledge, especially because the claims process is intentionally difficult to follow. But with help from an ERISA attorney, workers can obtain the benefits they deserve.Steps We Will Take To Appeal Your Liberty Mutual Disability Claim Denial
- Review your initial claim and look for any mistakes or missing information
- Review Liberty Mutual’s denial reasoning and their supporting documents
- Make sure Liberty Mutual followed all rules and regulations when making their decision
- Make sure the information Liberty Mutual reviewed was interpreted correctly and applied to your particular situation
- Help obtain additional medical records to fill in any gaps or bolster your claim
- Compile all necessary documentation and file your appeal before the deadline
Finding The Best ERISA Lawyer For You
When it comes time to fight back against Liberty Mutual or any other insurance company, having the right legal assistance can make or break your case. J. Price McNamara is a former insurance company attorney who knows all of the tactics Liberty Mutual might employ to try to deny benefits to you, the policyholder.
Now working on the other side, all of this legal knowledge is put to use to help you. With a limited caseload philosophy and proven success against many top insurance companies, you can rest assured knowing your Liberty Mutual disability claim denial case is in good hands.Frequently Asked Questions
Why would a Liberty Mutual disability claim be denied?
Liberty Mutual will deny a disability claim any time they can find a reason to, no matter how small that reason may be. Some of the common reasons Liberty Mutual denies disability claims include:- Insufficient medical evidence
- Incomplete claim forms
- Failure to seek adequate medical assistance
- Surveillance that disputes the claim of disability
- Disagreement by Liberty Mutual’s medical consultant or doctor
How do you survive while waiting for Liberty Mutual disability approval?
Making ends meet while waiting for your Liberty Mutual long-term disability insurance benefits to be approved is a stressful prospect for many. If you are physically able to, finding part-time employment might be a good solution. You can also try applying to certain assistance programs, such as Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
Are all Liberty Mutual disability claims denied?
While it may sometimes feel that a disability claim denial is an inevitability, Liberty Mutual does, in fact, approve some claims without the need for an appeal. The unfortunate reality, however, is that this is not very common. It may offer you some sense of assurance to know that you are not alone — many disability claims are denied, and with the right legal assistance, an appeal or a lawsuit is often a great way to make sure you get the benefits you deserve.
Top-Rated Liberty Mutual Disability Attorney
We are here to help YOU, and we will answer any questions you have for FREE. We welcome telephone calls or the opportunity to visit you in person (or remotely via video call) to answer any questions you may have about your case without charge and without any obligation on your part whatsoever to hire us as your attorney.
If you ultimately decide to hire us to represent you in your Liberty Mutual disability claim denial case, we will handle it on a contingent fee basis. Our fee is earned, and our advanced litigation costs are recovered only when we recover for you by settlement or trial judgment. Our clients owe us nothing, no fee, and no reimbursement of our advanced litigation costs, no matter how large, unless we recover. J. Price McNamara is determined to get you the disability benefits you and your family deserve — Reach out today for a Free Denial Review.