(It’s Our Specialty and 100% ALL We Do)


The Best ERISA Long-Term Disability Attorneys,
Life Insurance Attorneys and Accidental Death Insurance Attorneys
Will Tell You This:

Don’t Lose Hope - You CAN Overturn a Claim Denial!

But the stakes are high, and the insurers and their attorneys are experts at making claim denials stick.

There's one thing you can count on - fighting them with a haphazard, or cookie cutter one size fits all approach is doomed to failure.

Your case is unique, and you need a CUSTOM PLAN for best chances of winning.

Whether you're fighting an insurance company's denial of disability insurance, life insurance or accidental death insurance, they want you exhausted by their claim process.

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Their denial letter tells you that under “ERISA law” you can “appeal.” But they obviously don’t want to pay your benefits, so they give you no guidance on how to appeal with any chance of actually winning.

So you wonder: How long should an appeal be? What should I say? What traps should I avoid? What additional records, expert reports, witness statements or other evidence will help me win? Do I even have a chance of recovering my benefits?

The good news is, you can still win the insurance benefits you paid for to protect your livelihood and your family despite receiving a denial letter. The LAW, not the insurance company, has the last word.

Every unique claim has a unique best path for you to choose to recover benefits and financial security for your family, but also paths to avoid - those likely resulting in permanent loss of those benefits.

We answer any questions you have FREE OF CHARGE.


Receiving a bill should never be the first step in getting help. Our firm knows that when dealing with an ERISA, long term disability or insurance claim, what you need is answers, and we are here to provide them free of charge.

Our firm welcomes telephone calls or the opportunity to visit with you in person to answer any questions you may have. We also provide Free Denial Review. There is no obligation to hire us as your ERISA attorney.

As a Former Insurance Company Attorney,
I’ll Tell You Exactly What the Insurance Company Hopes You Do Next,
and What You Should Do Instead. (Don’t Skip This)

Understanding this is critical to winning your benefits:

What the insurance company hopes you to do is respond to their denial, exhausted, in one of two ways:

  1. Miss your appeal deadline (or simply give up), or

  2. File an “appeal” that simply argues why the claim denial was wrong, without submitting stronger new EVIDENCE (most claimants and attorneys unfamiliar with federal ERISA law make this mistake).


Because the insurance company knows that by choosing either of those two routes, you will lose your last and best chance of getting benefits. They know that ERISA law prohibits the court from considering any evidence that you don’t submit with your appeal before filing suit (most people don’t realize this until it’s too late). 

But there’s a third way to respond. It’s what the insurance company DOESN’T want you to do, and it’s exactly what you SHOULD do. 

That is, BUILD your claim and appeal strategically with NEW EVIDENCE (not just ARGUMENT), using a tried and true process that PROVES your claim the way they know will have the best chance of winning in court if they deny your appeal. 

That’s what wins benefit claims - both appeals and lawsuits, and the years of future financial security you paid to protect. Avoiding pitfalls and getting it right is critical. 

Our Client Lauren Describes Her Experience

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Read on to learn how to BUILD your unique claim with our Custom 5 Step Win My Benefits Plan, developed, refined, tested and proven through 30 plus years of fightingfirst for insurance companies, and now only against them, and what you can expect if we do it for you.

About J. Price McNamara

Price McNamara began his law practice in 1990 representing insurance companies.

In 1995, Mr. McNamara founded McNamara Law Offices, where he represents people across the U.S. who are wrongfully denied long-term disability insurance, life insurance, and accidental death insurance benefits, with a special focus on ERISA claims and lawsuits.

He is a member of the Louisiana and Texas Bars, with office locations by appointment only in Baton Rouge, Metairie, and Houston. He lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with his wife and their three children.

Better Business Bureau A+ Award Badge
Attorney Rating from Martindale Hubbell
AVVO Rating 10.0 Superb for Top Attorney Personal Injury
Top Attorney by New Orleans Magazine

Why Work With Us?

We get it. It’s confusing with so many disability, life and accidental death insurance attorneys and law firms out there to decide which is the best fit for you.

You want to make the best choice, and you know that the likelihood of recovering your benefits will depend on the 1. Experience, 2. Hard work, and 3. Well-planned process and strategy your attorney brings to your specific case. All three are essential.

We credit our success and happy clients to the following unique qualities we bring to our clients’ benefit denial battles:

1. Insider Experience. A Former “Big Law” Insurance Company Attorney Works One-On-One with You Against Your Insurance Company.

Ask any attorney or law firm you’re considering whether they’ve spent years representing insurance companies.

Read why I quit “Big Law” long ago, and how that helps you now...+

2. Highly Specialized. We’re 100% Focused on Long- and Short-Term Disability, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, and Life Insurance Recovery under the Complex Federal ERISA Law.

Ask any attorney or law firm you’re considering whether their practice is 100% complex ERISA law.

Read why this matters...+

3. Our Custom 5 Step Win My Benefits Plan: Our strategy - developed, refined, tested and proven through 30 plus years of fighting – first for insurance companies, and now only against them. We let no advantage go overlooked, you’ll see our work real-time, and never wonder “What’s Going On With My Case?”

Ask any attorney or law firm you’re considering about their custom plan for your case.

Read step by step how to execute your 5 Step Win My Benefits Plan, and what to expect if we work together...+

4. Our Four Guarantees

From beginning to end, you’ll know you’re getting exceptional representation, communication, and education as we work together. You’ll feel it. We know it, so we offer you four guarantees:

Ask any attorney or law firm you’re considering about their guarantees.

Read our guarantees, and why working with us is a no risk decision...+

5. Our happy Clients

We’re grateful for the kind words we hear from our past clients – they keep our energy and motivation humming to keep fighting the fight. Here’s what they say.

6. Our Work Product. With Over 30 Years of Insurance Focus, We're Good at This.

Listen below to Price argue against “Big Law” and “Big Insurance” in a recent case to the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals (second-highest court in the U.S.), winning the reversal of his client’s benefit denial.

Ask any attorney or law firm you’re considering whether you can listen to them argue before a U.S. Court of Appeals.

7. I’ve Personally Been in Your Shoes. I Get it.

Losing my own brother, then my father and sister after long, disabling illnesses just a few months apart drove home the just how critical these benefits are to both victim and family. That experience drove my decision to focus 100% on ERISA law. We never lose sight of the struggles your loss puts on your shoulders, and our mission is to help relieve them.

Ask any attorney or law firm you’re considering what gives them their passion for fighting unfair claim denials.

<iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jdDsd9piDQ4?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen title="Oscar&#39;s Client Testimonial | The Law Offices of J. Price McNamara"></iframe>

8. We Help People at All Stages of the Process. From Initial Applications, to Appealing Claim Denials, to the Federal Court Fight on Denied Appeals. We Won’t Bail Just Because the Battle Moves to Court. We Thrive There.

Ask any attorney or law firm you’re considering to appeal a claim denial if they’ll continue the fight in federal court if the insurance company denies your appeal. And if so, is that fight included in their fee? It’s important.

9. Our Limited Caseload.

We don’t want a “volume” practice. We work selectively, for best results with superior client communication, satisfaction and confidence, making the entire process less stressful because the client knows exactly what will happen next and why.

First Steps: Contact Us

It Only Takes a few Minutes to See if We Can Help You

1. Call us now, and we’ll take just a few minutes to get some basic information. I’ll personally review and evaluate your denial letter for free, no charge, and let you know if we can help. (Most like this better than filling out contact forms, but you can use that option as well.)

2. If we believe we can help you, we’ll decide and you’ll decide if we’re the best fit for your case after a free telephone consultation. If we decide together to move forward, we’ll start working on your custom 5 Step Win My Benefits Plan immediately, as in today, not tomorrow.

3. If we don’t feel we can help you we’ll tell you exactly why, recommend your best next steps and try to steer you in the best direction for your situation.

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Why I Quit “Big Law”, Representing Insurance Companies, to Fight for People Like You, and Why it Matters

It was an exciting “big deal” following law school to get an offer to work for a “Big Law” firm representing “Big Insurance” companies. Newly married and starting a family, I accepted the offer.

At first it was interesting to learn how it all worked, learning their behind-the-scenes claims-handling strategy and tactics. When we exposed fraud, it felt good.

The bad part was when insurance companies wanted to derail good deserving claimants, to pay them nothing or much less than the benefits they deserved. Since you’re reading this, you likely fall into this category. And it’s when you really need benefits, after paying for years to have the coverage. The insurer sees a dollar saved on a deserving claim as no different than one saved on a fraudulent claim. They affect their bottom line the same.

So I decided to leave “Big Law” to use what I learned from representing insurance companies to instead fight for deserving claimants - actual people and families, against the insurance companies to recover their denied insurance benefits.

I’ve never represented another insurance company since, and love helping good people get the benefits they paid for and deserve.

Working directly for insurance companies prepared me better than anything else to guide wrongful claim denial victims to justice.

When I first quit Big Law, I thought I had “wasted” several years of career path. But everything happens for a reason. Now I know that NOTHING can replace the value and insight that experience gave me for representing my current clients and advising other attorneys on these claims.

I can predict the insurance companies’ strategy and next moves in each case, frustrate their plans, and stay one step ahead of them throughout the claim battle.

Why Our 100% Focus on Long- and Short-Term Disability, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, and Life Insurance Recovery under the Complex Federal ERISA Law Benefits You

After leaving “Big Law” and “Big Insurance”, I started handling more and more ERISA-regulated long- and short-term disability, accidental death / dismemberment, and life insurance claims for wrongfully denied clients. I found that most calls I got involved truly wrongfully denied claims.

This area of law is so obscure, complex and constantly changing, that I decided to devote 100% of my practice to these claims and nothing else. Doing that was the only way I could stay up to date with the ongoing changes in the law and how those changes might benefit my clients’ cases.

Now, every day, THIS IS ALL WE DO!
And every day I’m grateful that this is what I do.

Your Custom 5 Step Win My Benefits Plan

You'll never Wonder What's Going On With My Case?

Your custom 5 Step Win My Benefits Plan will include the following steps and work product, and you'll get updates and copies of all parts of our work, real time as we move aggressively forward — without asking.

Step 1: GATHER

We review your denial letter and gather all initial details we need from you about your claim to get started. We get all claim file evidence and insurance policy documents from the insurance company — even the key documents and secret communications they forgot to tell you about that can help win your case.


We demand all missing evidence, with court involvement if necessary.

The claim file the insurance company sends us is a useless, disorganized mess of usually between 1000 and 5000 pages. We organize, tab, index, sequentially page number, and make your claim file text searchable using the best technology. Then we create what we call your claim file master summary chronology with reference to the page numbers of the claim file where located.This brings into focus any evidence that is missing (or intentionally withheld), and any ERISA procedural violations that can help your cause.


We study all details of your insurance policy and other potentially helpful ERISA plan documents. All policies and plans are different, and slight language differences can determine an outcome.

Insurers are commonly mistaken (or misleading) about how the law treats a particular clause or exclusion under the unique facts of your claim when they deny it.

We take a deep dive into nationwide federal court caselaw databases to find cases most similar to yours, and supportive of your claim.

We analyze strengths to build on, weaknesses to eliminate, and opportunities to create a strategic plan and build the best additional evidence for your strongest possible case.

Step 4: BUILD

Using all of the above, and with further input from you, your family, appropriate medical providers, any previously missing records, and reports of other experts or specialists we may hire as needed to strengthen your case, we create an overwhelming new body of evidence.

We then use that evidence, along with citations to supporting case law from our research, to create your bad faith spotlight package for the insurance company and court to consider.


We complete what we call your denial buster submission. We weave all of the above, the evidence of the initial claim file, any recovered missing evidence, your bad faith spotlight package, highlight any ERISA procedural violations, the relevant policy provisions and caselaw, together into your best factual, medical and legal argument to recover the benefits you deserve.

We present your final denial buster submission to the insurance company and court if necessary.

Our number-one goal is getting you and your family back to financial security as soon as possible.

Contact Us Today. We Can Help You.

Our Four Guarantees

From beginning to end, you’ll know you’re getting exceptional representation, communication, and education as we work together. You’ll feel it. We know it, so we offer you four guarantees:

1. Your NO Fee, NO Cost Guarantee

Throughout the entire process, we pay all costs, as we fight through any appeal or through federal court judgment or settlement of your claim. You won’t spend a dime, and you’ll owe us nothing if we don’t recover for you. No fee, no costs. Nothing.

2. Your Transparency Guarantee

You’ll NEVER wonder “what’s going on with my case?”
You’ll get updates and copies of all parts of your 5 Step Win My Benefits Plan, real time as we go – without having to ask.

3. Your NO Risk of Regrets Guarantee

You’ll know you made the right choice to work with us from the get-go.
If you decide we are not the best choice for you to fight for your denied benefits within the first 30 days of hiring us, just say so. No reasons needed. You will owe us nothing. No fee, no costs. Nothing.

4. Your Complete Convenience Guarantee

For your convenience, you’ll never need to leave your home to work with us. While we are happy to meet in person if you wish, we can handle everything from beginning to end by telephone or video call visits (Zoom, Facetime, etc.). We can exchange documents and get electronic signatures by email or text, and even deposit recovered benefit money directly into your bank account!